So like, we everyone like youtub it's one of the best platform in social media. And its also one of the greatest invention for video lovers. Its changes many thing like we learn new thing every day and we get new information for evey second. It's also one of the best platform to share and received video online. YouTube meets social network criteria is irrelevant. It’s more popular than all of them. But with mor than 500 of video uploaded every minute, effective YouTube marketing is easier said than done.
1. New knowledge and information every minute.
This ia one of the best feature of youtube to get new information every minute. You just have to click and you get new information and its make easy for everyone and we can learn any things in the youtube. youtub also one of the best social media platforms.
2. Shares and received video every minute.
This is the best part of youtube to shares video in the online platform with less difficulty. In youtube Every minute 500 videos are upload thats is like awesome to me because we only can see 6 to 10 videos in YouTube and extreme people can see 15 to 20 videos in a day, so like 500 videos a day that is a awesome man.
3. Subscribe and download
This is one of the best feature of YouTube. I really like this feature to subscribe your favourite channel and you can also download the video that you like in the YouTube. I really like the subscription things because when you subscribe the YouTube channel you can see there channel video instantly and you get notifications from the channel. There are some channel I recommend like crash course,biographys,alux,tedx and insider.
4. Earn money
One of the best thing in YouTube that you can earn money with share of videos and good content. In order to earn revenue on a video, you need to first post videos on your YouTube account.Some videos earn a higher or lower than average rate depending on the video content. Videos containing copyrighted music do not earn revenue for the video creator, and some topics may not attract advertisers.
5. Like and comment
If you like any video you can like and comment that video. Getting likes for your comment will make it noticed by your favorite YouTuber and this increase the opportunity to engage with them. On top of that, your comment will receive more exposure and it’s good for your channel ahead.
So, thank you.
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