
Hello,everyone so here I'm writing to myself about my life. So my life is not that excited that i think but i have to changed that  so here I'm to change that to writhing about my self.i I'm an average student who doesn't like school that much and doesn't have lots of friends but i find happiness in myself and im happy with that. Because i think man has a difficult life they born, School issues, College issues and after job issues thats make a life difficult but when you find a happiness in this issue your the happiest person in the world.i always wanted to find a happiness in my work because when i find happiness that time i feel whole. But seriously i don't like my life, everyday is a same day for me i always want to change that but nothing happened and i fell sad in that some time get depressed in that but every time i see people in my instagram they travel ,food and blog.I love this things and i always wanted to do this thing in my life and i love writing. There is so much in life that you can't complain about it. But when we have to decided something its getting so much complicated. Life is like a tree it can't grow without someone help it water and someone to take care of it and Human always need some help from others. There is no shame to request someone for help it Show how brave you are like a Ocean. Happiness is not something that you purchase in market and bought online its a feeling that make you smile and make a better person and one more thing Money is not a happiness. Its just money that shown wealth and reputation. I'm not saying tha Money is bad its just you can't compare money and happiness. 
Alan cohen said that "Be happy with what you have. Be excited about what you want"


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